Nassau, The
May 22-28,
There are
35 pictures here.
I trained
for several months to build up my stamina for my Croatia swimming adventure. I
finally was able to swim 4 km (2½ miles) in the swimming pool at a local health
club near where I live. That was 90 fifty-yard laps, and it took me almost three
Part of my
training was to do some open water swimming, so I went to Nassau in The Bahamas
for a week. I stayed at the British Colonial Hilton, which had a private beach
about 100 yards wide.
Hotel 01

03 View of
the beach from the hotel

From the
beach showing a lighthouse.

Most days
I would go out in the morning and swim “laps” the width of the beach. In the
pool back in Texas, after each 25 yards (the length of the pool) I would stop,
stand up, take a breath, and push off. Here, with the water just deep enough
that I couldn’t stand in it, with a “length” being about100 yards, and with no
edge to push off from, it was more realistic with what I was training for.
It was
more difficult than the pool. When there was a wind, one direction was with the
wind and the next was against it. Some days I swam without fins, and some days
with fins. One day I swam 4,000 yards with fins, and two days later I swam 4,000
yards without them. (4,000 yards ≈ 2¼ miles) So I felt like I was in very good
Unfortunately there are no pictures of me swimming.
In the
late mornings and afternoons I would lounge or go play tourist. One afternoon I
took it easy in a hammock. I am wearing my rash shirt, which I wore swimming. It
has an SPF 30 rating, which keeps my back from getting sun burned.

Nassau is
a very popular stop for cruise ships. Every day the cruise ships would come in,
usually at night. Then in the morning they would disgorge their passengers who
would run to the tourist places, buy their souvenirs and trinkets, and return to
the ship. The ships would leave, and then that night, other ships would arrive.
These ships are huge – more than floating hotels – almost floating small cities.
They are very sleek looking.


Notice the
mouse ears on the smoke stacks of this next one. This is a Disney ship. When
they blew the ship’s whistle to alert the passengers to reboard, it was to the
tune of the first phrase of “When You Wish Upon a Star.” I laughed when I heard

13 Lit up
for the night

The most
“famous” attraction is the Straw Market, where you can shop for souvenirs to
your heart’s content. All prices are negotiable. I bought a Nassau t-shirt.

In the
touristy part of town, I found it hard to find a decent restaurant.
Here are
police in their spiffy uniforms.

One of the
beaches I went to was Cabbage Beach on Paradise Island.
Path to
the beach 18


As you can tell, the surf was
up and there were very few swimmers. I decided it was too rough for me.
The water
is so pretty blue and very clear. Many underwater scenes of movies are made here
in Nassau because of the clarity of the water.
One day as
I was walking around I saw the town library, which is a small octagonal building
built in 1797. It was originally a “gaol” (aka jail). It seemed ancient inside.

Across the
street was this sign on a building which I found humorous.

I visited
the Pompey Museum, and inside was told a tragic story of slavery. One day I
walked to the Fish Fry strip of restaurants and ate at the Sea Food Haven. I had
a grilled conch dinner. The conch was a little like calamari.
I went to
the tourist bureau to see if I could participate in the People to People
program, where visitors are hosted for a day by some locals. They said they
needed two weeks’ notice to arrange that. So, if I go to Nassau again, I will
try to remember to plan ahead for that.
I did my
own walking tour, using Frommer’s Guide. This is the Queen’s Staircase,
consisting of 66 steps carved out of solid sandstone in 1793 by slaves. It leads
to Benner’s Hill.

At the top
of Benner’s Hill were Poinciana trees. They are so beautiful in full bloom.

I asked a
workman to take my picture, and he had never heard of the song Poinciana, so I
sang it to him and his buddies. They enjoyed it.

On the way
back to town I passed under Gregory Arch, a tunnel built in 1850. After it
opened, working-class black Bahamians were happy to not have to go over the
steep hill anymore; they could instead go through this arch to return home.

I learned
the bus system (by asking a lot - the male thing to do
and took bus 12B to Love Beach. Part of it was Niverna Beach, a private beach
with a restaurant and equipment for water sports. This would be a great place
for parties. I ate at the restaurant.


I visited
The Hidden Gift Shop and bought a trivet/flat basket from Amy Berlanda. She and
her husband own the shop. I showed her the pictures of the Poinciana trees on my
camera. She also had never heard of the song, so of course I had to sing it for
her. The maker of the basket, Joyce Smalls, wasn’t there but there was a poster
of her.

That all
for Nassau.